REGALFINSERRV is a leading tax consultancy firm and having its head office at Chennai and branches at KGF, Bangalore.
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Other Services

Other Services

• Business protection Contracts

Violation of this Agreement or the Business Protection Agreement and/or failure to sign the Release and Waiver 
Agreement shall immediately relieve the Company from its payment obligation under this paragraph and entitle it to recover any amounts paid under this paragraph.

• Registration and Documentation

The final output of a property transaction is a document. 
The registration of property documents is a crucial facet in property transactions. 
A property document will be invalid and essentially useless if the document was required to be registered and registration was not done. 
When a document is registered, a copy of the document is kept with the registration office. 
Registration serves a very limited but crucial function in property transactions.

• Court Practice and Procedure

When you engage an independent contractor
(see Employee versus Independent Contractor for more information) it is important that a formal agreement between that person and the company be implemented.
The agreement will spell out the exact duties that need to be done, the compensation structure, termination of service procedures, and will assist the Company in ensuring that the other person is actually treated as an Independent Contractor instead of an Employee, which can result in a large unexpected tax liability.

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